You're a Christian women's speaker. You speak at church events. You do it for the glory of God. So thinking about marketing your speaking ministry sounds weird. Is that really part of ministry? Yes, it is, because if God has given you a message, you should want to get it out there. And you can only get it out there if people have heard of you Continue Reading
Use Your Words: What Should I Charge for Speaking?
photo © 2008 Tyler | more info (via: Wylio) What are the going Christian speaker fees? What do Christian speakers charge? And how in the world do I ask for it? That's the most common question I get from people--how do I figure out what to charge for speaking? What do other people charge? And is it selfish to ask for money? On this week's Use Continue Reading
How to Create a Platform for Your Ministry
photo © 2008 daretoeatapeach | more info (via: Wylio) Platform. It's a word we hear all the time in the speaking/writing business, but what does it really mean? Today on my Use Your Words BlogTalkRadio show I talked about platform: the best ways to build one, and what's really important. Listen in to that show here! Tons of great Continue Reading
Prioritizing Your List: How Do I Know Where to Focus My Efforts?
photo © 2007 sunshinecity | more info (via: Wylio) I'm an ideas person. When an idea strikes me, I get so excited about it! Unfortunately, about five minutes later I'll get another idea, and I'll get excited about it, too! So which should I do first? And how do I decide? Over the years that I've been trying to build my speaking ministry, one Continue Reading
6 Keys of an Effective Speaker’s Bio
What's a bio? And if you're asked for one, do you have one to give them? Absolutely! Most places where you speak will ask for a bio that someone can read to introduce you. You should have one featured prominently on your website, but even if you do, never assume that the event organizers printed it out and brought it with them. Instead, everytime Continue Reading
Use Your Words: Multiple Income Streams from Speaking
Every Tuesday at noon EST I give a 30 minute BlogTalkRadio show on elements of a speaking ministry--and it's totally free! Yesterday I talked about how to create multiple income streams from speaking. That sounds very high falutin', but its meaning is quite simple: most of us just make speaking fees when we speak, but that often isn't enough Continue Reading