Every Tuesday at noon EST I give a 30 minute BlogTalkRadio show on elements of a speaking ministry-and it’s totally free!
Yesterday I talked about how to create multiple income streams from speaking. That sounds very high falutin’, but its meaning is quite simple: most of us just make speaking fees when we speak, but that often isn’t enough income to support the amount of time that we put into speaking. So let’s find other ways to make money from speaking that can help boost the income, so we can afford to speak more!
Let me give you an example: say you’re just starting out, and you’re beginning to get paid engagements, and your fee is $250 for a one-time talk, or $800 for a retreat. In order to make $20,000 a year, a part-time salary, you’d have to speak for 10 weekends a year, or 1 a month (excluding December & January), and 48 evenings a year, or roughly 1 a week. That’s really very busy, and probably not all that likely.
On the other hand, if you start selling CDs when you speak, or workbooks, then you increase your income without a whole lot more time. CDs are easy to produce, and workbooks are easy to produce, too! You can also sell e-books off of your website.
Listen in to the show to hear more! And here are some other blog posts that deal with this subject of how to boost your income when you speak:
What to Put on your Book Table
Making a Living from Speaking (goes over this show’s content in much more detail!)
Finally, if you want to go in depth in this topic and figure out how you can create products that will actually sell and generate some income-and how to sell them-my audio download on Creating Information Products will have you brainstorming for days!
Susie Cantrell says
Resource! SheilaWrayGregoire’s ‘BecomingAChristianWomen’sSpeaker’Blog! @VeronicaSchultz http://christianwomensspeaker.wordpress.com
Thank you this is just the information I needed for this New Year.