Hello all, and welcome to the big revamp of my writing/speaking blog!
For the last five years I’ve been mentoring women who want to become Christian women’s speakers. I wrote a blog, created some training materials, and tried to stay on top of it all. But I got so busy with my own writing and speaking it’s fallen to the wayside.
This year I’ve decided to bring it back to the forefront and revive it! I’ve hired some assistants to help me with my time, and I’m raring to go! I have so much more to share with you, too, especially about building an online community and building traffic to your website.
So be on the lookout for more posts-about 1-2 a week, with lots of other training opportunities.
Over the next two months I’ll be offering two webinars: One on how to build traffic to your website, and one on how to maximize Facebook to build your potential speaking contacts.
Don’t miss them! Sign up for my speaking newsletter to be notified when you can sign up!
And I’m going to be focusing in my next post about how to identify “Connectors” that you know-those people in your network who may not be able to get you speaking engagements or publicity themselves, but who know EVERYBODY and can make introductions. You likely have a wider sphere of possible influence than you know!
So please come back. I want to help you build your ministry inexpensively and effectively-and I promise to have lots of great tips, tricks, and training coming at you in the weeks and months to come!
Brittany at Equipping Godly Women says
I’m so glad that I saw this site on Twitter. I just relaunched on a brand new site, and so this comes at the perfect time for me (thanks for thinking of me-you’re so considerate! 🙂 ) Can’t wait to learn all you have to share!
Wendy Woerner says
Hi, Sheila! Felice Gerwitz told me just today about your web site. I am thrilled to now have this wonderful resource for learning more about becoming a speaker and sharing God’s story with other women!